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Andul Kali-Kirtan Samity has been solemnizing devotional songs composed by Sri Sri Premik Maharaj for long 140 years. This Samity, under the amiability of Ramkrishna Math & Mission, has become capable of having profound admirations from the Connoisseurs as well as the Votaries of different parts of India through Kali-Kirtan, tuned after classical notes.
‘Kirtan’ in general, refers to devotional recitation of the name of an idol accompanied with a particular kind of percussion (Khol) and a pair of cymbals (Kar-taal). But, Andul Kali-kirtan is secluded from that widely-known concept. A musical blend of 'Shaakta' and 'Vaishnava Padavali' is a rare splendor of Andul Kali-Kirtan. This school of music is felicitated by all for its richness expelled from Dhrupad, Baul, Prasadi and other modes of music. In fact, Andul Kali-kirtan is the forerunner in respect of Kali-Kirtan in Bengal as well in India.
Sri M. narrates Sri Ramkrishna was lost in reverie as he listened to "metechhe monbbarrana bishay - bish bipine" (the tusker of mind has gone out of control in the grove of venomous wordly possessions), a composition of Premik Maharaj being sung by Andul Kali-Kirtan Samity in the residence of one of his devotes (vide, Sri Sri Ramkrıshna Khatamrita, 4. 19.3)
 This Samity inundated the heart of the devotees with adroit performance at Dakshineswar Kali Temple on the occasion of birth anniversary of Sri Sri Ramkrishna Paramahansadev in 1896. (Ref. ‘Memories of Swami Akhandananda', p. 152)
 In obedience to Sri Sri Maa Sarada Devi, Mother of Ramkrishna Sangha, Swami Vivekananda himself came to our Samity in 1901 with a warm invitation to us to take part in the musical session to be conducted at Belur Math on account of the celebration of auspicious birth anniversary of Thakur Si Ramkrishna that yet. Since then, Andul Kali-Kirtan Samity did never fail to attend the celebration being held at Belur Math every year. Once, Swami Brahmananda (Rakhal) Maharaj started dancing amidst the performance of this Samity and gradually sank in deep ecstasy. Sri Maa, at once, noticed in her inward eyes that Sri Sri Thakur, in his heavenly body, joined Rakhal in his devotional dance. Rakhal Maharaj would have been dissolved into the esse of his preceptor, if such state was allowed to continue still more. Out of this apprehension, he was taken away somewhere else at the command of Sri Sri Maa. (vide, ‘UDBODHAN’, year 72, Issue 9, pp 466-467). Sri Sri Maa directed: Andul Kali-Kirtan Samity shall be invited to Belur Math on the birth day celebration of Thakur for rendering of Kali-Kirtan as long as this Samity exists. 
 The book viz "Directory of Agencies for the Recreation & Cultural Activities in South East Asian Countries” recognized this Samity as one of the noteworthy institution of Asia. This Samity received special invitation from time to time to musical soirees like Banga Sanskriti Sammelan, Nnikhil Banga Bhakti-geeti Sammelan, Bi-Centenary celebration of Bengali songs etc. and earned much adoration for keen representation of Kali-Kirtan.
 First of all, Bengali Folk Association came forward to give wide publicity and extent Kali-Kirtan of this Samity before contemporary Society. Thereafter. Madhuri Cassette Company Kolkata and Times Music - Mumbai released - several music Cassettes voiced by the choir of singers of this Samity. It's a matter of great delight that these cassettes received rapt response from the music lovers.
 Walking along the foot mark of tradition this Samity itself has become a heritage today.




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